From Danielle @ There's a Book:
We all leave our “footprint” on the world, in one way or another. We each, individually, do something or are someone that makes the world a little better just by being here. I created this weekly meme to get to know the blogging community I love just a bit better. To know what makes them tick, outside of books, that is. Each week I will post a question to be answered in the following week’s “A Bit of Me(Me)”. Check back each Saturday to get the info for next week’s post and link up with your current post right here.
This week's question: What would your dream job be?
This is something I have thought about many times over the years, and other than be the greatest magician / sorceress ever, it would have to be an archaeologist. I have always been a huge fan of historical fiction / non-fiction, even as a young child, and would spend hours immersed in books learning about various cultures and traditions and histories. That soon spread to spending time in museums, castles, historical locations, or whatever had a historical interest. I travel so I can visit historical locations, and not to spend time on the beach, which actually bores me to tears. Why I never really pursued this in university is not really evident to me, but obviously God had a different path for me than this, so I became a secondary school teacher instead. While I've never regretted this choice, and it happened naturally and gradually, I have wondered what my life would have been like if I had changed my major in university from Kinesiology and pursued History, or actually did my Master's Degree in History insteady of Education. I have been accepted to do another Master's Degree in History, but I've deferred it as I just don't have the time or the energy to devote myself to another degree. Writing and defending a thesis can be brutal and I don't believe I want to do that right now.
My favourite classes in university were the History and Archaeology courses I took and I probably should have realized at that point where my interests really were, but I wasn't sure what I really wanted to do with my life and that probably affected my thinking. Aren't a lot of us in that same boat. If I went back and told my fifteen-year-old self that I would one day be a teacher, I would have laughed my head off and said, "No way!" It's interesting the path that is laid out before us. Now, if I could win the darn Lotto Max ($50 million last night), well, hello archaeology!! And hello retirement!!!
Weekend Question is hosted by Cleverly Inked.
This week's question is:
Are you a moody reader? For example do you tend to lean to a certain type of book but get turned off or burned out by the genre and flip to another? Or lets say you are a reviewer... Do you think if you are in a mood for a different genre than the book you are reading would it affect your review?
I am definitely a moody reader. I go through phases where I want to read a certain type of book, and don't want to read anything else. This makes reviewing difficult at times because sometimes I need to review a Young Adult novel for example, as it is next on the list, but I am really in the mood for Historical Romance or Urban Paranormal. I will actually grab what I want to read and put it beside the book I am supposed to be reading and end up flipping between the two books. This puts pressure on me because then I need to read like mad to finish something I am supposed to be reading already. It helps that I am an eclectic reader already. One of the complaints I've received about my blog is that I don't focus on any one genre (there are too many different types on my blog) and some readers don't like that, but I will never change or focus on one or two genres because I will seriously burn out reading only one genre and probably hate what I am doing. I actually had a dream the other night where I was attacked by a flesh-eating book and that is not a good sign.

Your experience with making course choices as a student is similar to mine - I *should* have studied English and History but ended up choosing other courses and moving away from what I'm good at and enjoy. At the time, I thought I knew best but now I wish I could go back and tell that young woman to follow her heart rather than anyone else's expectations.
ReplyDeleteIt's always so easy to look back in hindsight, isn't it? I teach grade 12 students now and I always tell them to follow their heart, and not to follow what they 'think' they should do. I share my experiences with them regularly hoping it will help ease the pressure for them.
ReplyDeleteWhat you described is why I haven't ever finished getting even a Bachelors degree. I would love to get my degree in history, but have never really found the time, so I haven't gotten into it at this point. I would love to do something history related though, it would be so lovely :)
ReplyDeleteWow, an archeologist, huh? That would be a fascinating job! There are a few middle-grade adventure books out there where the parents are archeologists (and often disappear) and the kids find some ancient magical object and try to rescue their parents.
ReplyDeleteI guess my dream job is what I've been trying to do for years but haven't really accomplished completely yet - freelance writing...but only the kind of writing I want to do! The real dream job for me is travel writing - I've done a little of it, but I'd love to be able to make a living at it.
I'm with you on needing a huge variety in what I read, and I think that makes book blogs much more interesting than those that focus only on a single genre.
Enjoy your weekend!
I find it interesting that you mentioned travel writing as that is another newly developed interest of mine. While it is not a 'dream' job, I have thought about writing about some of my travels just to test the waters and see how it goes. I would love to do some travel writing when I retire.
ReplyDeleteYou know, when I was in middle school I wanted to be an archeologist terribly bad. I had a history teacher that was extremely interested in Egyptian history and got me hooked because of her passion. Now, what happened after that...I have no idea??? It's like you said, if I could time travel and tell my 12 year old self I'd be a "work at home mom" I think I would be laughing at myself. Not that I'd change a thing! Funny how things work out.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for joining in this week! I hope you do again! :o)