Inspired by The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalid Hosseini, winner of Borders Original Voices Award, Literature to Life Award, and Barnes and Noble Discover Great New Writers Award, when you visit the campaign page and join the 'Hosseini' group, you can upload photos of yourself or yourself and your friends/family reading The Kite Runner and/or A Thousand Splendid Suns and Riverhead Books will donate $2 for each uploaded photo to the Khalid Hosseini Foundation (rules state to a maximum of $25 000). The Khalid Hosseini Foundation is dedicated to providing humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan and they need your help.
*** Open only to the residents of the U.S. 18 and older (sad moment as I am Canadian) and uploaded photos must have permission rights of photographer and subjects.

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