Winners of the New Year's Resolution Blog Hop!
Thank you to everyone who participated in the New Year's Resolution Book Blog Hop as it was a great success! And I'd like to especially thank our three hostesses for putting on this hop. I hope everyone had an enjoyable time checking out some new blogs as well as the old and faithful, and seeing what books you could possibly spend your new GCs that you received for Christmas. Without any further ado, here are the winners:
Winner of $25 GC to is:
Winner of up to $15 worth of books from Book Depository is:
Cass (Words on Paper)
Congratulations to everyone! Welcome to all of my new followers, I hope you will stay around a little while and see what kinds of things are happening on Curling Up By The Fire. And to my old and faithful followers, you guys are the absolute best!!!
Don't forget to sign up for my Delirious by Daniel Palmer contest! And look for my upcoming contest - win a copy of XVI.

Congrats guys!