Monday, January 31, 2011

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Hello my lovely readers!  I'm finally reading again now that exams are finished and I can now focus on preparing for second semester.  It's a great feeling having everything completed and knowing I have a few days to relax.  It doesn't mean there isn't a lot to do as I have a couple of challenging courses to teach again next semester, but at least there is no marking to get in the way of preparation and reports are done.  I am looking forward to some quiet evenings sitting on the couch and immersing myself in some much needed literature.  Hard to believe it's almost February already, though!  Wow! 

Oh, apparently there's another huge snowstorm heading our way as well so what else is there to do other than sit in front of the fire and read!!!  Once we shovel everything out, that is!   There's our reminder that although we know spring is getting closer, winter's grip is not letting go too easily.

What I Managed to Read This Week:
By Fire, By Water by Mitchell James Kaplan - This an engrossing tale based on real-life events (and people)of the Spanish Inquisition and the expulsion of the Jewish people. 

The Discovery of Socket Greeny by Tony Bertauski - Oh, how I love my new ereader.  A creative tale set in an alternate earth that provides a lot of twists and turns.  Review forthcoming.

Blood Spells (Final Prophecy, Book 5) by Jessica Andersen - I really enjoyed this fifth novel of the Nightkeepers series about the upcoming 2012 Mayan prophecy and the race to save the world.

What I am Currently Reading:
Subject Seven by James A. Moore - Interesting and disturbing at the same time.  I'm hooked and can't wait to finish.  I really like his adult novels so I was thrilled to discover he'd written a young adult novel.  I am almost finished and it looks like it's the first in a possible series.

Blue by Lou Aronica  - I an finding this tale quite interesting although I am not quite far enough into it to really know what is actually going on, although I'm getting a hint or two. I am finding the two alternating tales quite engrossing however.

The Witch's Daughter by Paula Brackston - I always enjoy books that jump back and forth through time so I am looking forward to finding out what happened in this 'witchly' tale.

Eternal Kiss of Darkness by Jeaniene Frost - This happened to be sitting next to me as I was having a snack so I started reading it and of course, I am already into chapter 3.  I can't leave well enough alone and go find a book I've already started.  I love this author!

What's Up Next:
Bride of New France by Suzanne Desroches
Matched by Ally Condie
The Lost Gate by Orson Scott Card

Have a great reading week everyone!


  1. The discovery of socket greeney sounds interesting! I have just received my course work for this semester so reading will have to slow down a bit.

  2. Thank you for the comment! I'm really excited to re-read Interview. Not sure about Robert Jordan; I've heard they do get worse, then better, so I'm hopeful I can make it through the slow ones. I'll be interested to see what you think of Matched; I've been reading Suzanne Collins, and have been considering looking into the trend of dystopian YA fiction but haven't really gotten into anything else yet.

  3. I saw Blue on another blog looks fascinating. Hope you enjoy it.


  4. Oh yes, Eternal Kiss is good! And Matched is AMAZING! Loved that book!

  5. Great books - I'm going to have to check out a few!

    My It's Monday post can be found here.

  6. I like your description of interesting and disturbing. Have a great reading week.

  7. Matched is on my weeks next to read! Great reads! Happy reading. :D

    What am I reading?

  8. Every time I see By Fire By Water I am reminded how this book is waiting for me on the coffee table. The reviews are so good - I must get to it soon :)

    Hope you join the Monday What Are You Reading this week as well - this is a special anniversary addition that I am very excited about! :)
