The Home for Halloween Giveaway
Enter the
Rafflecopter to win your choice of a Kindle Fire, Nook HD, or Kobo Glo, as well
as signed books and audiobooks in the Home for Halloween giveaway from author Scott Nicholson.
The giveaway
celebrates the launch of paranormal thriller The Home.
Experiments at a group home for troubled children lead to paranormal
activity—and the ghosts are from the home’s dark past as an insane asylum. In
development as a feature film, it’s available in ebook at Amazon US, Amazon
and Smashwords.
By Scott
(From Chapter 15)
The sun was
sinking now, just touching the ridges in the west. Freeman looked across the
lake, expecting one of the house parents to wave them inside. From here, they
wouldn’t be able to hear the bell that signaled dinner.
He saw somebody
under the trees and thought at first it was Randy, the muscle jock. He tried
for a quick triptrap but the person was too far away, and the power really was
on the blink. Then the figure came out into the muted light of sundown. It was
the old man in the robe.
“You see him,
too,” Vicky said.
“The geezer in
gray. I’ve seen him twice.”
“What’s he doing
down there?
“Maybe he
decided it was time for a bath.”
Vicky stifled a
laugh. “That’s mean, Freeman. He might be the nicest person here, for all you
“I thought he
worked at the home, like a janitor or something. Figured he must have been here
so long they didn’t give him a hard time about the way he dressed. Saved on
uniform expenses.”
The man moved
closer to the water’s edge, then paused and seemed to sniff the air. He looked
toward Wendover on the rise of lawn above the lake, then at Vicky and Freeman.
Freeman couldn’t tell whether the man was smiling or grimacing as he approached
the water, back stooped with the effort of descending the bank.
“The stupid old
coot’s going for a swim,” Freeman said. He and Vicky stood so they could see
better. “He’ll freeze to death.”
The old man put
a foot into the water. Then he took another step. He must have been standing on
a rock, because he put another foot forward without sinking.
Four more of his
shuffling steps, and still he kept on. He wasn’t swimming, he wasn’t bathing,
he wasn’t sinking.
The old man was
walking on water.

Terrific excerpt, Scott!