Question: If you had to pick only 5 books to ever read again, what would they be and why?
You know, I had a rather tough time with this one as there are many books I like to re-read, but to choose only five to ever read again, well, that is a different matter entirely. I thought at first it wouldn't be a problem, but as I started thinking about it, I kept crossing books off the list and changing it. This is what ended up being on my final list.
The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel
I chose this one because I credit this one with changing my perspective on the human race and evolution, and led me into quite a long phase where I did a lot of research on the human species and the issue of creationism and evolution. It also solidified some religious beliefs I had been uncertain about for quite a while. For some reason, this book really had a profound effect on me spiritually as well as mentally. It was also one of those books where I had to be ready to read it as I had three false starts before I finally sat down one night and read it in its entirety in one sitting. Let's just say I had a hard time concentrating at school the next day! LOL
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
I just fell in love with the atmosphere in this novel, and was surprised by the twist in the ending the first time through. It's almost like I get something new out of it everytime I read it and some of the scenes I read through slowly, just savouring the words and the setting. There's something about the gothic genre that just sends a delicious tremor through you as you are reading that I don't seem to get from any other type of genre.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Elizabeth is my hero!! I enjoy the twists and turns in this story, and the sarcastic play on words that exists in here. Such fun!!
Magician by Raymond E. Feist
While this one may be full of cliches, and perhaps some of the characters aren't as developed as they could be, this is still one of those books I could re-read any time. It's one of the earlier fantasy series I read as I blossomed into adulthood and I tend to mark it as a transitioning point from teenager to adult. And Pug is still one of my favourite characters in fantasy, although for the life of me I couldn't tell you why. I remember picking it up at the airport as I was heading to France, devouring it on the plane, and then being extremely frustrated as I had to wait two months before I could read Silverthorn and A Darkness at Sethanon, both of which I bought at the airport in Toronto on my way home.
Five Complete Hercule Poirot Novels by Agatha Christie
I love her mysteries and am drawn to the fact that she can stump me time and time again, simply because I missed the tiniest of clues or was not paying attention to all of the facts. I devoured every single one of her novels and enjoyed most of them. I have never had a problem re-reading them, even if I do know who the murderer is, as I can pay attention to the clues and how I missed them, and how I was led astray. It's a lot of fun to figure out.

Picking just five? That would be a dilemma!
ReplyDeleteOne of them would have to be The Killer Angels, by Michael Shaara.