It's one of those Mondays where I was very reluctant to go back to work. I had a great weekend at the trailer, the weather was cool but sunny, and we had a great time playing outdoors and getting a lot of fresh air. It was just lovely sitting around the fire in the evenings and talking and laughing with friends, especially knowing the season is winding down and Thanksgiving weekend is the last weekend we are there. I am sort of in this rebellious stage where I am really enjoying my weekends, and don't really want to do a lot of other things, sometimes even blogging. Has anyone else been through this before? As always, I console myself with family and friends, and books.
My son hasn't been feeling well these past few weeks, with a lingering cough that just won't go away. He was diagnosed with bronchitis, nothing new to those of us who suffer from asthma, but the cough just doesn't want to go away. I had the busiest day at work today, with meetings and duties, and his school tried to get hold of me all day (and of course dad is in the field all day on a military exercise) because my son is now spiking a fever. I'm really hoping he hasn't developed pneumonia again. Getting him to the clinic is an exercise in patience all in itself. I always know something is wrong when he gets all cuddly and wants me to sit with him all of the time, and he's ten! Just a worried mama's rant!!!
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a wonderful meme hosted by Sheila @ Book Journey. It's a great way to focus on those books you read last week, are currently reading, and organize that ever-growing TBR pile.
What I Read This Week:
The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall by Mary Downing Hahn - I love this author and adore her books, but I was not really crazy about this one. It seemed to lack the depth of her other novels, and it truly wasn't eerie or creepy. The potential was there, but it lacked the suspense needed for a really good ghost story.
Discord's Apple by Carrie Vaughn - Something very different than the Kitty Norville books, but I really enjoyed the blend of mythology, history, and present day story. This was something right up my alley, and although I love vampires and werewolves, I was glad to see none were in sight in this one. Sequel to this one? Oh, I'm sure.
What I am Currently Reading:
The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova - I am slowly realizing how long this one is going to take me, but I am enjoying it very much. The suspense is building up slowly and I am loving the build-up.
Nevermore by Kelly Creagh - I really have no idea what is going on at this point, p123, but I love the fact that I haven't figured things out. I can't wait to find out how things end and I have been purposely avoiding the reviews so it doesn't spoil anything for me.
The Secret of Ka by Christopher Pike - Love genies. Will see how this one ends. I wasn't overly impressed by the main character at the beginning, but she has since grown on me so we'll see. There have been a few twists and turns I wasn't expecting, but it is Christopher Pike after all.
What I Intend to Read:
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare - I am almost scared to begin this one as I'm afraid the anticipation might be greater than the book.
Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly - I was thrilled to get this in the mail this week as a review copy and I can't wait to read it. For those who don't like present and past stories that jump back and forth, this may not be something for you, but I love books like that so I can't wait.
So, how was your reading week this week?

I hope your son feels better soon. I was diagnosed with bronchitis earlier today and sent home with antibiotics and cough medicine in a pill. I also liked Discord's Apple. I enjoyed Nevermore too. My Monday Report is here. Happy reading!
ReplyDeleteI just had bronchitis, too - 'tis the season! I hope your son is OK and hasn't developed pneumonia.
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine read The Historian this summer and said the same thing - that it was not a quick read...but she really enjoyed it.
My son and I have been listening to Clockwork Angel on audio - it's good so far.
Good luck at the clinic and enjoy your reading week.
I have really been wanting to read Nevermore. I really enjoy Edgar Allen Poe and I've read several reviews saying that his work is intertwined in the story somehow. It sounds good! Happy Reading!
ReplyDeleteThe Ghost of Crutchfield Hall always sounded very vreepy to me and I'm also planning to read Nevermore this month. Happy reading!