Man of War by T.J. London
Publication Date: April 14, 2020
Paperback & eBook; 681 Pages
Series: The Rebels and Redcoats Saga, Book #4
Genre: Historical Fiction
Author Guest Post #2 Man of War Book #4 The
Rebels and Redcoats Saga
Can I read Man of War first? It’s a
prequel, right?
Huzzah, sailors, T.J. London here! The first question I always get when people see Man of War, Book #4, Prequel to The Rebels and Redcoats Saga is: Can I read this book first or do I have to read the others before it? I love Royal Navy stories, but I don’t have any interest in the Revolutionary War. The appropriate answer is: Yes, you can read this book first; it is a prequel, and you’ll (hopefully) enjoy it, and you won’t spoil the rest of the saga. It’s technically meant to stand alone. But… I dare you to consider why I wrote a prequel as the fourth book in the saga!
Go with me for a minute.
While this is a historical fiction, and the main characters are creations of my imagination, the overarching goal of The Rebels and Redcoats Saga is to shine a light on this missing history of the Oneida Nation and the colonists in Upstate New York during the American Revolutionary War. In TRRS, we see this story play out through the eyes of my fictional hero, John Carlisle, and my heroine, Dellis McKesson. Yes, this is a saga, so the goal is to follow my main characters and the secondary characters over many years and many challenges; which means there is a lot of story to tell and many ways to do it. In my wicked author brain, I want to yank your emotional chain so you feel pain, fall in love, experience ecstasy, and witness horrific acts of war when I want you to (Yes, I really planned this). I never promise the reader a happily ever after because life and war just don’t work that way. The saga is meant to be gritty, often jarring, uplifting, and a realistic historical experience for the reader. I recognize that not every reader looks for these things in a story, but that’s the T.J. London promise I give to the reader for each and every one of my books—should you choose to pick one up.
Each one of the books, from The Tory all the way to Man of War, are placed where they are to reveal the secrets of the story when I intended them to be revealed. Yes, I really am that much of an evil plotter. In fact, I have four more books already somewhat planned in my head, making sure the story progresses as intended.
In The Tory, The Traitor, and The Turncoat, we learn about John Carlisle and Dellis McKesson’s torrid love affair in the backdrop of the Revolutionary War, but there are aspects of their story that are nebulous to the reader, and Man of War was written to fill in those gaps. All the secrets of the McKesson and Carlisle families are revealed (or are they?), and the story comes together within the many pages of Merrick and India’s tale, bringing the truth into the blinding light of day, so when we return to the Revolution in Book #5, The Rebel, we’re ready and up to speed for what comes next.
The roots of the McKesson family struggle boils down to nothing more than sibling rivalry so severe its rippling affect can be felt twenty years later and drags the Carlisle family, kicking and screaming, along with it. The hatred between two brothers runs so deep it knows no boundaries, and we see the ramifications of that play out in the lives of Dellis, John, and the members of their family throughout the saga.
But it all starts with Man of War.
It’s always so much fun to find out how everything was laid to waste. What was that pivotal moment in a character’s life that changed everything? Hindsight is twenty-twenty, and so it is Man of War. And that’s why the prequel is book #4 in the Rebels and Redcoats Saga. It’s like opening up a family album and looking back on the past only to say, “Ah ha!”
In the prequel, we learn the tragic story of James and Dane and how the McKesson family title and fortune was both lost and eventually brought back. Instead of taking place in Upstate New York during the Revolution, we’re far away on the HMS Boudica at the start of the French and Indian War when a mysterious woman washes up on deck, bringing turmoil and intrigue in her wake. We’ll see many of our favorite, and not-so-favorite, characters from the Saga when they were young and impressionable, before life sets them on their various paths—those pivotal moments I mentioned earlier when they could’ve done things so differently.
So, I leave you with this: Whenever you chose to read Man of War, it will be an adventure, you will fall in love, you will have your heart broken, and history will be presented to you as accurately as possible. That’s my promise to you, the reader, with every book I write. You decide if you want to read this book first or fourth.
Huzzah, rebels and sailors! I wish you happy reading.
Much love in trying times and be safe.
T.J. London
Available on Amazon
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: Man of War

Thank you so much for hosting the Man of War blog tour! This series is so amazing, I highly recommend it! Have a great weekend!
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