by Deanna Raybourn
Release Date: January 16th 2018
2018 Berkley
Kindle Edition; 352 Pages
ISBN: 978-0451476173
Genre: Fiction / Historical / Mystery
Source: Review copy from publisher
4 / 5 Stars
London, 1888. As colorful and unfettered as the butterflies she collects, Victorian adventuress Veronica Speedwell can’t resist the allure of an exotic mystery—particularly one involving her enigmatic colleague, Stoker.
His former expedition partner has vanished from an archaeological dig with a priceless diadem unearthed from the newly discovered tomb of an Egyptian princess. This disappearance is just the latest in a string of unfortunate events that have plagued the controversial expedition, and rumors abound that the curse of the vengeful princess has been unleashed as the shadowy figure of Anubis himself stalks the streets of London.
But the perils of an ancient curse are not the only challenges Veronica must face as sordid details and malevolent enemies emerge from Stoker’s past.
Caught in a tangle of conspiracies and threats—and thrust into the public eye by an enterprising new foe—Veronica must separate facts from fantasy to unravel a web of duplicity that threatens to cost Stoker everything. . . .
My Thoughts
A Treacherous Curse is the third book in the Veronica Speedwell series, and I enjoyed this one as much as I enjoyed the others, which is quite a lot. Veronica is a funny characters and I definitely enjoy her quick wit and unconventional ways.
One of the things I really like about Deanna Raybourn books is the way the author has of delivering authentic historical facts and descriptions. Her beautiful writing style makes you feel like you are really there and brings to life the time period so well. I have no problems envisioning what things looked like, what the people wore, their lifestyles, and their behaviours. And combine this with two very likable characters, Veronica and Stoker, and you have a recipe for success. And it is definitely because of these two characters that I keep returning to these books; their lives and histories are being slowly revealed one book at a time, and I am truly enjoying the journey of discovery. In this one, it is Stoker's life that is the front and center and I finally discovered the truth about his marriage and his ex-wife. Finally!! These two characters are just so much fun, plus the interactions between them are quite hilarious. She writes amazingly witty dialogues and I love the banter that exists; Veronica is rather good at quick comebacks and I always look forward to seeing what she is going to say next. I like the suspense that is also created and I will freely admit I am rooting for them to get together, but I am not sure if that is going to ever happen. That is the only frustrating thing about this series, having to wait and find out what is going to happen next with these characters. If there is anything that rubs me the wrong way, it would have to be Stoker and his continuous pity-party. I get that he was grievously wronged by his ex-wife, and Stoker could be quite annoying at times. I am so glad he got over it by the end of the book.
The other characters introduced in this book were quite interesting as well, and I enjoyed the various twists and turns that came about just because of their personalities. Even the villains were quite likable and this is definitely not the case in many books. If there is any weakness in this book, it would have to be the overall mystery as it was quite easy to figure out as I felt the author focused a lot on Stoker and his past grievances. I do have to look at the whole picture, and while the characters were delightful, the pacing was a bit slow and did have a tendency to drag on a bit.
A Treacherous Curse is another fun entry into the series. You do not have to have read the first two books in the series in order to understand this one, which is nice. As always, the characters and their interactions are always interesting, and I truly do like the witty dialogues that are in this. While the mystery was touted to be about Egypt and Egyptology, there really was little in the way of Egypt in here, unless you count the many references to expeditions and trips to that country. But the action didn't take place outside of England and I was a bit disappointed by that as I was hoping they would have a fun trip to Egypt and all that would have entailed. However, with an interesting story line, this one is a nice entry for this series, and fans will be happy with the continuing adventures of Stoker and Veronica.

Excellent review! It sounds like a good read.