A Q&A with Jon Land, author of
Scorpion: The Tyrant Reborn
Release Date: April 7th, 2015
448 Pages, Forge Books
ISBN: 978-0765337238
1. Can
you tell us a bit about Black Scorpion:
The Tyrant Reborn? I think it’s the most ambitious book I’ve ever done
in terms of character, emotion and story.
I say that not only because of its epic-like structure, but mostly
because I’ve never written a book before that challenges its characters in so
many ways. It challenges them with truth
and the reality of their own natures contrasted against their fates, testing
especially Michael Tiranno’s capacity to exceed his own limitations. He has
become a classical, almost mythic hero in terms of the losses he suffers and
stunning revelations about his own fate he must accept. All the while confronting a villain just as
powerful as he is with whom he unknowingly shares an indelible bond. Great villains, they say, make great heroes
and that’s truly the case here as Michael confronts an all-powerful criminal
organization with a plot to do incredible harm to the country and world in the
offing. To stop them, Michael must
become a different man than he is when the book starts out, he must evolve,
literally, into something more and accepting that fate comes to define both him
as a hero and the story as a whole.
2. What drew you to write thriller and mystery novels? Well, as the great Robert Louis Stevenson
once said, You can only write what you would read if someone else had written
it. So when I chose to be a writer, or
should I say when writing chose me, I gravitated to what came most naturally to
me. I’d grown up reading all of Ian
Fleming’s James Bond novels while away at camp for the summer, this after
falling in love with the early films starring Sean Connery as Bond. The structure of those films has been more
influential in my writing than any other individual factor. As I got older while in college, I began
devouring the books of Stephen King, Robert Ludum, Clive Cussler and David
Morrell—all great storytellers above everything else, and I realized that’s
what I wanted to be too.
3. When did you first start writing?
This is kind of interesting, because not until college at Brown
University. And even then I never took a
writing class. I majored in English and
American Literature and fell under the influence of some incredible professors
who introduced me to the novel, the whole concept of structure. Around the same time, I realized how much I
actually loved the process of writing. I
did a term paper on Huck Finn that
the professor liked so much he recommended I try publishing it. A light bulb went off in my head and from
that day I’ve been obsessed with seeing my name in print, especially in big
bold letters on my book covers! I
actually wrote my first novel as a senior thesis. It wasn’t very good, but I proved to myself I
could do it and was able to work out all he kinks while receiving course credit
for it. The best of both worlds, you
might say and I remain eternally indebted to Brown for providing the liberal
educational experience that allowed to be what I’ve become. It was always about the process and I fell in
love with starting with the a blank page of paper and watching what happens
from there.
4) What
are your other interests besides writing?
I’m a gym rat, especially when it comes to weightlifting. Healthy mind, healthy body as the saying
goes. I also remain very active at Brown
volunteering in any number of capacities that allow me to remain close to the
undergraduate community. I’m Alumni
President of my own fraternity, Delta Phi, and serve as Alumni Advisor to
Brown’s entire Greek System. I’m also
Vice President of the Brown Football Association and sit on the board of the
Friends of the Library. Libraries are
another passion of mine, as they should be for all writers. Libraries are ambassadors of the written word
and its sustenance and at Brown I organize big events around name authors like
George R.R. Martin to share my love for books and the place of books within pop
culture as a whole. I also serve on the
board of the International Thriller Writers organization, ITW, because another
passion of mine is helping to promote our genre in general and ITW member
authors in particular. ITW’s mission
statement is all about the haves helping the not-yet-haves in a very difficult
profession and I remain very passionate about that as well.
5) When
do you find the time to write? Well,
it’s my job. When does a doctor find the
time, a lawyer or a teacher? Just
because I love what I do doesn’t make it any less of a job, any less of a
profession. I can’t see my name in those
big bold letters if I don’t write the book.
I’m very disciplined about my work but, fortunately, I also write very
fast to the point where I can finish a first draft in 7-8 weeks. Of course, great books are made in the
rewrite process and that’s where I truly excel.
To me the first draft is about getting it down and the rest of the
process is about getting it right. And
that’s the thing about a career as a writer.
It’s not just the writing, but also the promoting, the conferences, the
book festivals, the signings, Twitter, interviews, Q & As. But here’s the thing about me: I enjoy all of that, every part of it,
especially any opportunity I have to interact directly with my readers.
6) Where
is your favorite place to write? The
second bedroom in my townhouse is my office and it’s pretty much where I do all
my writing. The key in this business,
any business to some extent, is to find your comfort zone—where, how and when
you best excel. I know where all the
bodies are buried in my office and it’s very easy for me to bounce around
between different things demanding my attention because I’ve laid all the
clutter out in a way that facilitates that. I’ve got everything placed just
where I want it and where it needs to be.
If only life could be that simple!
7) You
have written a number of series; is this one of your favorite to write? Frankly, no, that would be my Caitlin Strong
Texas Ranger series. I’m not saying the
books in that series are better than Black
Scorpion because I think in many ways Black
Scorpion is the most ambitious and best realized book in terms of vision
I’ve ever written. I’m talking about the
process. Black Scorpion is work for hire and I have an obligation to serve
the needs of the Tyrant character’s creator, Fabrizio Boccardi. That robs this series, and me, of the
spontaneity that defines me as a writer, since I don’t outline. Writing with someone looking over your
shoulder isn’t nearly as fun or gratifying.
But, that said, the end result of both this book and its prequel, The Seven Sins, proves I’m capable of
adapting. Fabrizio isn’t a writer or
a storyteller and he doesn’t grasp all the intricacies of structure. But he has wonderful instincts that are right
more often than not and form the perfect complement to my experience and
talents. Look, Michael Tiranno is his
baby. He turned him over to me to build
but he could never be expected to let him go altogether. Ultimately, I think we work so well together
because our passion is balanced by our willingness to compromise toward telling
the best story we possibly can. It may
drive me crazy at times, but the ends justify the means.
8) How do
you approach writing a book like Black
Scorpion? It all starts with the hero, Michael Tiranno. I started Black Scorpion with the premise that in
the five years since the events depicted in The
Seven Sins, Michael hasn’t changed very much. He’s still pretty much the same man we left
at the end of the first book, a tyrant consumed by his desire to expand his
empire and holdings. The whole essence
of Black Scorpion is watching him
evolve into something entirely different—still a tyrant, yes, but a tyrant for
good. A superhero without a mask or
cape. We watch his view of his entire
place in the world change, forced upon him by the shattering truths and tragedy
he encounters along the way. And in that
respect his quest changes from the pursuit of riches and power to
self-fulfillment and self-actualization. So now, above everything else, Michael
Tiranno’s character is defined by his obsession for standing up for those who
can’ t stand up for themselves. Bullies
aren’t confined to the schoolyard and he won’t tolerate them under any
circumstances. He’s spent his life
trying to find the security he lost that day his parents were murdered and once
there he uses the power that comes with it to defend those who need him the
most. My point is your hero defines the
very nature of a book with the sprawl and ambition of Black Scorpion. The book
will rise or fall based on how the audience responds to him and you have to
approach a book like this with that in mind.
9) Is
there anything you would like to say to your readers and fans? Thank you, because without you I’m nothing.
I can only be a writer if you’re reading what I’ve written. And I remain extremely humbled by the whole
nature of the relationship between the writer.
It’s a sacred pact, not much different than reading or telling a child a
bedtime story. It comes with an intimacy
that defies explanation. That a reader
is wiling to bring me, through my work, into their lives by letting me
entertain them, sweep them away from the mundane world into one of my own
creation, brings with it an awesome responsibility and the very worst thing I
can do as a writer is disappoint my audience—the moral equivalency of breaking
that sacred pact.
10) Tell us where we can find your book and more information about you.
To use the cliché, accurate in this case, wherever books are sold or is most
convenient for you. As for me, you can
find me on the Web at jonlandbooks.com or follow me on Twitter @jondland. I promise to keep you entertained there too!

Insightful answers, Jon. Excellent interview, Stephanie!