Thursday, March 20, 2025

Review: Murder by Memory by Olivia Waite

by Olivia Waite
Release Date: March 18, 2025
2025 Tordotcom
Ebook ARC; 112 Pages
ISBN: 978-1250342249
Audiobook: B0D3QV2DY7
Genre: Fiction / Science-Fiction / Mystery
Source: Review copy from publisher
3 / 5 Stars
Welcome to the HMS Fairweather, Her Majesty’s most luxurious interstellar passenger liner! Room and board are included, new bodies are graciously provided upon request, and should you desire a rest between lifetimes, your mind shall be most carefully preserved in glass in the Library, shielded from every danger.

Near the topmost deck of an interstellar generation ship, Dorothy Gentleman wakes up in a body that isn’t hers—just as someone else is found murdered. As one of the ship’s detectives, Dorothy usually delights in unraveling the schemes on board the Fairweather, but when she finds that someone is not only killing bodies but purposefully deleting minds from the Library, she realizes something even more sinister is afoot.
My Thoughts
Murder by Memory is the first book in a science-fiction cozy mystery series, and I thought the premise was rather intriguing. I love science-fiction and there are not a lot of books that focus on murder mysteries in this genre, so this one sounded like something that would be right up my alley. While I was interested in the thought of going to a new planet and was fascinated by the ideas presented in this book, I was not really impressed with the overall story.
Personally, the concept of waking up on a ship and having no idea where one is or what is happening is what drew me to this book.  However, this was not the case with this story as the protagonist knew exactly what was going on, knew exactly who she was, knew exactly the problem, and the info-dump continued on. I would have liked to have learned this information as the story progressed as it would have been more interesting.  What it did was lower the overall mystery and suspense for me. And to be honest, this info-dump did not do character development any favours either. Because the MC knew exactly what was going on, I wasn't able to be in her head very much, nor was I confused as to what was happening because the MC knew what was happening the entire time.  It would have been more mysterious if the MC didn't understand what was happening and had to investigate.  Unfortunately, the MC felt quite one-dimensional; I would have liked more development, more quirks, more something to make her more appealing.
The mystery itself was sort of secondary to what was happening to the MC so I didn't find it that compelling. To be honest, it was kind of predictable.  There were a lot of very fascinating ideas and thoughts presented in this book, but the length of the book didn't allow for the exploration of those ideas. I know it's the first book of a series, but there also has to be some meat in the original story as well. You can't just present ideas and not develop them at all. 
Murder by Memory presented some really cool ideas about the concepts of life and death, but didn't really have an opportunity to develop those ideas due to the length of the book.  While I know there will be other books in this series, I do feel like there has to be some substance in the first book as well, but to be honest, there was a lot of information dumping rather than allowing the MC to lead the reader into discovering it with the MC, not my favourite form of storytelling. And while I did find the mystery predictable and easy to solve, there was enough in this book to make me curious about the second book when it is released.


Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Review: Rose of Jericho by Alex Grecian

by Alex Grecian
Release Date: March 11, 2025
2025 Tor Nightfire
Ebook ARC; 352 Pages
ISBN: 978-1250874719
Audiobook: B0D49Z62S6
Genre: Fiction / Horror / Historical
Source: Review copy from publisher
2.25/5 Stars
Not all is as it seems in the small village of Ascension, Massachusetts. A mother wasting away from cancer is suddenly up and about. A boy trampled by a milk cart walks away from the accident. A hanged man can still speak, broken neck and all.The dead are not dying.When Rabbit and Sadie Grace accompany their friend Rose to Ascension to help take care of her ailing cousin, they immediately notice that their new house, Bethany Hall, is occupied by dozens of ghosts. And there’s something in the attic that neither want to investigate.New England in the 1880s is notoriously unwelcoming to the weird, and the villagers are wary of their visitors. As the three women attempt to find out what’s happening in the town, they must be careful not to be found out. But a much larger—and dangerous—force is galloping straight for them…
My Thoughts
Rose of Jericho is the sequel to Red Rabbit, and I really do feel that having read the first book helped me understand the characters and their connections in this book as it was definitely not explained at all.  Personally, I loved the premise of this book, thought it had a very strong start, but the execution of the second half of the book fell off sharply for me and left me struggling with the thought of actually finishing the book.  I thought the author didn't quite take it up to the level that it could have been with regards to the horror in the second half and I wasn't overly impressed with the character development.
The plot actually starts off rather strong, and I was invested in the first half of the book. The atmospheric writing was compelling and I was intrigued by the ideas that were presented; the running theme about what would happen if people simply did not die because Death himself was destroyed. Some interesting characters were introduced and I was interested in their stories and what would happen to them. However, about halfway through, the plot became more meandering than interesting and I started to lose interest as the plot became more disjointed. I think this was largely due to the fact there were no clear protagonists in this story, and while this can work, it needs to be done deftly, which did not happen in this book. I also think the horror element was softened when it should have ratcheted; people were starting to panic at what was happening and I think there would have been more dire consequences than presented in this book. 
There were definitely some interesting characters in this book, but the author did not make use of them to exploit the horror that was happening. What we got were situations that were more eyebrow raising than plot points, and although I waited patiently for everything to tie in together, this definitely did not happen. Some of the things simply did not make sense and the ending was anti-climatic as a result. And as I previously mentioned, the horror element was under-utilised and could have been amplified to show how terrified people were over what was happening, and to show the consequences of what being dead actually meant. There were some examples of that in the book, but I think the author could have gone a bit further so while the situation is horrific, this didn't make me turn the pages quickly or flinch in horror like some novels do.
Rose of Jericho is very atmospheric and I thought the author did a great job with the descriptions of the time period. I was intrigued over the first half of the book, but was quickly lost by the meandering and disjointed plot in the second half of the book and thought the character development was lacking quite a bit. And while there were definitely some horrific moments, I don't think the author went far enough with the horror. However, if you like supernatural novels about Death and the consequences that exist when Death is no longer around, then this might be for you. I also recommend picking up his 'Scotland Yard Murder Squad' novels if you like murder mysteries.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Review: Daughter of Daring by Mallory O'Meara

by Mallory O'Meara
Release Date: February 18, 2025
2025 Hanover Square Press
Ebook ARC; 384 Pages
ISBN: 978-1335007933
Audiobook: B0CMDZBRH6
Genre: Non-Fiction / History / Biography
Source: Review copy from publisher
4 / 5 Stars
Helen Gibson was willing to do anything to give audiences a thrill. Advertised as “The Most Daring Actress in Pictures,” Helen emerged in the early days of the twentieth-century silent film scene as a rodeo rider, producer, performer and stunt double for iconic stars of the era. Her exploits were as dangerous as they were glamorous, featured in hundreds of films and serials—yet her legacy was quickly overshadowed by the increasingly hypermasculine and male-dominated evolution of action films in the decades that would follow her.

In this fast-paced and feminist biography, award-winning author Mallory O'Meara presents Helen’s life and career in exhilarating detail, including:

• Helen’s rise to fame in The Hazards of Helen, the longest-running serial in history

• How Helen became the first-ever stuntwoman in American film

• The pivotal and overlooked role of Helen’s contemporaries—including female directors, stars and stuntwomen who shaped the making of narrative film.
My Thoughts
Daughter of Daring is actually more than just a biography of Helen Gibson, but is an exploration of Hollywood and Los Angeles during the time period when Helen rose to prominence as a film star and a stuntwoman.  I appreciated learning about the development of the various Hollywood studios as well as learning more about the other women involved in the early days of the business.  It definitely enhanced the experienced and made the story that much richer as it gave you a good grasp of the situation at the time and what it would have been like for Helen to persevere during this time period.
First of all, this is an exploration of women in film and in particular, as stuntwomen, before the golden era of Hollywood in the 1930s.  It highlights the diversity of women working in the industry and how many were responsible for producing and developing film ideas and story lines, involving themselves as directors, producers, writers, screenwriters, film stars, stuntwomen, etc... It also highlights how the industry slowly became more male-dominated and pushed many of these women out of the industry throughout the years, highlighting the lack of involvement of women even in today's era. I thought we had become more progressive during the years, but this quickly taught me otherwise and I have realized we have such a long way to go. And the fact that it was often other women groups who were integral in the causation of a more male-dominated industry just drives me insane. I know that it happened, but reading about it just sets my teeth on edge, to know that women would create groups to censor other women, and to stop progression over the years because they held with old-fashioned ideas and thought progression was bad for people.  The censorship rules were absolutely crazy, but I'm not surprised. What surprised me more is how long it took for them to be created. And how much the public is manipulated by these films.  And I found absolutely fascinating the types of films that were made in the early days as I had no idea; everything dealing from infidelity to abortion to women's suffrage to abuse to LBGTQ as well as the serials which were so popular and exciting.
Helen Gibson became a star in the midst of all of this and her story is fascinating as it follows both her rise and her downfall as the more male-dominated society came into power later in her career. As a star horse rider, she was athletic and was able to do stunts that few women could do at the time and became popular because of this. She put herself in danger quite a few times as some of the stunts she did were done without safety harnesses or crash mats. Her career had its ups and downs and I was fascinated by what happened to her (some of it her fault, some of it due to the increasing male-dominated industry), but the author exposed the behind-the-scenes of this time period in such a way that was utterly fascinating.   

Daughter of Daring was a compelling narrative that I had difficulty putting down. I definitely appreciated Helen's narrative being women amidst the information given about the time period, but to be honest, I really enjoyed learning about the time period and the film industry itself as I found it fascinating. The author is a filmmaker and understands the frustrations of being a woman in the industry so I found her candour to be refreshing.  I definitely appreciated her writing about this time period though, and the forgotten women of the industry who were integral to its current success. 


Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Review: Head Cases by John McMahon

by John McMahon
Release Date: February 28, 2025
2025 Minotaur Books
Ebook ARC; 352 Pages
ISBN: 978-1250348296
Audiobook: B0DDZB1NPR
Genre: Fiction / Murder / Suspense
Source: Review copy from publisher
3.75 / 5 Stars
FBI Agent Gardner Camden is an analytical genius with an affinity for puzzles. He also has a blind spot on the human side of investigations, a blindness that sometimes even includes people in his own life, like his beloved seven-year-old daughter Camila. Gardner and his squad of brilliant yet quirky agents make up the Patterns and Recognition (PAR) unit, the FBI’s hidden edge, brought in for cases that no one else can solve.

When DNA links a murder victim to a serial killer long presumed dead, the team springs into action. A second victim establishes a pattern, and the murderer begins leaving a trail of clues and riddles especially for Gardner. And while the PAR team is usually relegated to working cold cases from behind a desk, the investigation puts them on the road and into the public eye, following in the footsteps of a killer.

My Thoughts
Head Cases is the first book in a new series, and it certainly began with an interesting scenario. I found the intricacy of the case intriguing and as a result, was glued to the pages and was quite fascinated by the team's investigation. Because this is the first book in a new series, there is a certain amount of time taken to introduce the characters and develop their unique personalities, something I appreciated. But while the case was definitely interesting, it did fall back and make use of some tropes I was hoping would be avoided. 
I really enjoyed the main character quite a bit. Gardner Camden is on the spectrum and I appreciated the author's research into this character's development; he was such a fascinating person to follow. Quite brilliant, but struggling with personal relationships, it was fascinating to see how his mind grasped concepts with which the rest of his team struggled, but completely missed nuances relating to social relationships.  The rest of the characters complemented each other very well and I really enjoyed learning about their unique quirks and talents. While this book focused more on Camden's relationships, I am guessing future books will reveal more about the other characters and I can't wait as the glimpses we got were fascinating. All of them are there for something they did in the past and the author gave us just enough to tantalize. 
The plot certainly began and ended with quite a bang, but the middle did slow down quite a bit.  I didn't mind too much as I really enjoy investigations and love learning about the political machinations of organizations the author wants to include in their books.  The themes of family, loyalty, secrets, and betrayal all found their place within the story line.  I also didn't mind that the focus was more on Gardner Camden than on the others as I feel the author will expand on the characters in future books.  However, I did wish the overall conclusion was a bit different than what it was as it was predictable and a bit tropey. I also didn't feel like the author took it as far 'into the dark side' as the subject merited.  It felt like the author was afraid to go too dark and the brevity sometimes felt off as a result.
Head Cases was an intriguing first entry into a new series and I enjoyed the character development quite a bit. And while the plot was interesting and definitely had its high moments, especially the first thirty percent and the last twenty percent, overall I did find it somewhat predictable when the final outcome was revealed. I was really hoping it would have gone in a different direction. However, I did enjoy it and I will be looking out the second book when it is released.


Sunday, March 9, 2025

Review: Danger Close by Cameron Curtis

by Cameron Curtis
Release Date: February 7, 2021 (Part of boxed set released February 23, 2025)
2025 Inkubator Books
Ebook Edition; 294 Pages 
ASBN: 979-8703664940
Audiobook: B09NCB5YBG
Genre: Fiction / Thriller
Source: Review copy from publisher 
4 / 5 Stars
Ex-Delta Force sniper Breed has spent most of his life at war and now he’s trying to make some time for peace. But when a veteran from his old unit is murdered in El Paso, Breed feels duty-bound to bring the killer to justice. A feeling that only grows stronger when his friend’s widow and son are also murdered.

As he uses all his specialist skills to uncover the truth, Breed finds himself working with some unlikely allies - a devious CIA operative, and a determined Latina reporter. Together, they uncover a conspiracy to launch a massive attack on US soil.

The terrorists are confident – they have powerful friends in the Mexican cartels and US law enforcement. But they have reckoned without one thing—Breed. 
My Thoughts
Danger Close is the first book in the Breed Thriller books and they really hit the ground running.  I thoroughly enjoy this book and liked the fact the story was a nice blend of action and plot whereby the action didn't really override the plot.  Sometimes the story can be so full of twists and turns and action that character development as well as plot development is left by the curbside, but I didn't feel this in this book.
Set in Texas and Juarez, the descriptions of the places made me feel like I was right there. With Juarez ripped apart by the drug cartels and Texas dealing with the fallout, it was the perfect setting for a crime dealing with sex traffiking as well as guns and drugs traffiking.  The action scenes are quite good and while this is not quite the death culling that I have read in some books, the casualties were still high. However, my heart nearly broke when Breed learns the personal story of one of the sex traffikers who escaped her situation and the horrible treatment she received. I mean, we are talking about children being kidnapped and forced into this situation.  While not as graphic as some I have read, sometimes leaving it to the imagination can be worse as my imagination can think up all sorts of horrible things without having the descriptions. The sense of danger hanging over Breeds' head the entire time was so visceral, I kept waiting for the metaphorical axe to fall every chapter.  I have to also say, the plot of this book actually made me cold considering how realistic it is in today's world. 
Breed is a great main character and I enjoyed learning about him throughout the book.  While the story is quite heavy on the action side, it does allow time for some character development and gives you some sense of Breeds's character.  While they are only glimpses, it has made me curious to learn more about him and what drove him to the Special Forces as well as what drives him now. I love the camaraderie that exists between Breed and his fellow ex-soldiers, and I understood the anger in him when one of them was shot down in cold blood.  I felt like the relationships were real.
Danger Close was a really good first book in the Breed Thriller series. There are some trigger warnings to this book as it does contain discussions around sex traffiking, sexual abuse (towards minors as well), drugs, gun traffiking, and general violence and upheaval. It also contains themes about family, loyalty, friendship, secrets, trust, and betrayal.  Quite a bit to pack into a shorter book, but it works quite well. There were some twists and turns that I did not expect which is why I read the whole thing in one night as I couldn't put it down. Looking forward to the next book. 


Thursday, March 6, 2025

Review: Lowfield by Mark Sampson

by Mark Sampson
Release Date: April 15, 2025
2025 Now or Never Publishing Company
Softcover ARC; 347 Pages
ISBN: 978-1989689813
ASIN: 1989689817
Genre: Fiction / Horror
Source: Review copy from publisher
3.5 / 5 Stars
Riley Fuller, a police officer sidelined by the devastating loss of three colleagues in a tragic shooting, seeks solace in rural Prince Edward Island as he lays claim to his family's ancestral property—an ancient, dilapidated house known locally as Applegarth. Eager for a fresh start and relief from his traumatic past, Riley's hopes are soon dashed as he uncovers the dark secrets hidden within the very walls of the Victorian-era mansion. Soon, he realizes that Applegarth is merely a harbinger of something far more sinister—a malevolent force lurking within the nearby abandoned village of Lowfield, its ominous presence intricately entwined with the rich history of PEI itself.
My Thoughts
Lowfield is a slow-burn horror that I found intriguing due to its mix of cosmic horror with the history and geography of Prince Edward Island, a beautiful province in Canada.  It also delves into toxic masculinity and the consequences of that abuse of power during a time when social media was non-existent, but people wanted a voice to express their concerns as to what was happening, especially women. During a time when abortion was still banned on the island, and the politics surrounded the building of the bridge to the mainland, this was an interesting mix of politics, history, and survival.
The book focuses on Riley, a disgraced RCMP officer from Moncton, who discovers he has inherited an old home and property on PEI. The character is not especially likable, but I was drawn to him because of this factor, and also due to the fact he was an unreliable narrator. Riley continuously has thoughts about younger women, and while this may be off-putting, it is connected to the house and the story and is supposed to make you uncomfortable.  I did like how the author showed Riley's confusion and disgust as he was going through his visions and his dreams as it did make him, while not exactly relatable, but more real.  I did feel that the character development on a whole however, was inconsistent, and the secondary characters were very much one-dimensional. I don't know if this was done on purpose to try to throw off the reader, but I would have been a lot more invested in the characters if I had actually been able to develop more of a link with them and knew them a bit better. I don't have to like them, but I do have to empathize with them.
The plot itself is very much a slow-burn one for two-thirds of the book, something that didn't bother me too much.  I don't necessarily need my horror books to have these crazy twists and turns, but there was definitely enough to keep me interested and engaged despite the slower development. A lot happened during the last third of the book and I did need time to digest the information when I was finished. I will be hones though, I did have a suspicious as to what part of the ending would be and I was right.  
The themes of toxic masculinity and sexual abuse do dominate the narrative. Multiple generations of abuse is discussed and the effects this has on the current generation, something I thought was well done in this book. It doesn't give solutions, just highlights the issues and the consequences, but makes you think of the impact on families. Is it uncomfortable? Absolutely, but it should be. 
Lowfield definitely had interesting moments and I enjoyed it overall. I loved the setting and thought the descriptions were beautifully done. However, there were things that were inconsistent plot-wise, and I really wished some of the characters had been developed a bit more to make the story that much richer. I definitely like this author's writing style and look forward to reading more of his work. And while I try not to give away spoilers in my reviews, I would definitely check the trigger warnings for this book, especially for sexual themes. 


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Review: A Web of Obsidian by Lydia M. Hawke

by Lydia M. Hawke
Release Date: February 25, 2025
2025 Michem Publishing
Ebook ARC; 231 Pages
ISBN: 978-1989457276
Audiobook: B0DV679DV2
Genre: Fiction / Urban Paranormal
Source: Review copy from publisher
4.5 / 5 Stars
At 69 years old and with two martial arts black belts to her name, Sister Monica Barrett has never been one to back down from a fight. But the one that just landed on the ragged front lawn of the women’s shelter she runs may be more than she’s equipped to handle.

This attacker has powers—he moves with uncanny speed, strikes with brutal accuracy, and isn’t after the woman at all. Instead, he wants what she has: a flat, black stone with a spider’s web embedded in it.

The instant Monica touches the stone, her world is turned upside down. 
My Thoughts
A Web of Obsidian is the first book in a new series by this author and I loved it from the get-go. It was action-packed, funny, and touching, all at the same time. And while I love fast-moving books, I did think the story moved along too quickly and didn't give enough time to really develop the characters. 
Sister Monica Barrett is the MC in this book and as an older woman, I could completely relate to what she is going through.  Fairly active myself, I love that she is strong, but also vulnerable in ways that only people who have reached a certain age can fully understand.  That being said however, her courage and internal strength are still strong and I loved how she defended and protected those under her.  She was fierce, but also vulnerable at the same time because she needed to protect those she loved and would do anything for them.  I also liked the fact that she didn't do stupid stuff like some of the characters do in some of the books I have recently read, and this has nothing to do with age, but with common sense. Even in the midst of rage and in the midst of serious stuff, Monica still kept her wits about her.
What drew me to this book was the setting, Ontario.  Being from the area, I was very familiar with Toronto and Kingston and could easily picture the settings in my head. The scene regarding Highway 401 was particularly vivid in my head having driven that highway multiple times so I knew how desperate she had to have been to even attempt that crossing. The plot did move along rather quickly, perhaps too quickly as it didn't give the reader a chance to breathe, nor did it give the author time to really develop any of the characters except for Monica. I know there are going to be more books in the series, but I do get invested in the secondary characters as much as the MC and I feel it is important to put effort into developing them as well.  There is also a LOT going on in this book, some of which is obscure and hidden. That's okay as I love secrets and look forward to finding out more about the sisterhood and what is actually happening in future books.  And Monica's fight scenes were a lot of fun and I was right there rooting for her every punch and kick.  

A Web of Obsidian was a lot of fun and I was thrilled at the age of the MC as I hate to admit I am closer to her age than the twenty year olds I usually read about.  I love a kick-ass heroine, but one who is also vulnerable and cares deeply for others.  The plot moved along rather quickly, and although there are still a lot of secrets to discover, there was definitely closure in the first book so you were not left feeling disappointed.  I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series.  And if you get a chance, pick up this author's The Crone Wars series, you won't be disappointed.


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Review: A Killer's Code by Isabella Maldonado

by Isabella Maldonado
Release Date: January 21, 2025
2025 Thomas & Mercer
Ebook ARC; 344 Pages
ISBN: 978-1662515842
Audiobook: B0DGB1X7PS
Genre: Fiction / Mystery / Suspense
Source: Review copy from publisher
4 / 5 Stars
A dead man’s riddles—and secrets—thrust an FBI codebreaker into a deadly cross-country race for justice.
During a recent undercover sting gone bad, hit man Gustavo Toro died in the arms of FBI Special Agent Daniela “Dani” Vega. But Toro had secrets he refused to take to the grave.

In the event of his death, Toro left behind a video that promises to expose a mysterious mastermind who has been operating with impunity for decades. But there’s a catch. Dani’s team must follow Toro’s cryptic clues on a cross-country hunt for justice, and piecing together his past is more twisted than Dani could have imagined.
My Thoughts
A Killer's Code was a fast-paced thriller, and at its heart, had a trope that I absolutely love, riddles and codes. It may be a throwback to my childhood, but I love it when a killer/killers send police/Jason Bourne/whoever on a hunt through clues they left behind or set up to perplex those doing the hunt.  This one had a nice mix of clues and situations that kept me turning the pages.
The continuing character development of Dani and Steve was quite enjoyable and I'm glad the author focused more on developing the MC's instead of focusing so much on the plot.  Dani is as badass as ever, but she definitely showed signs of vulnerability, something I really enjoyed as it showed a softer side to her character, especially when it came to her younger brother and the storyline that is beginning to develop with regards to him.  I also enjoyed the way the author is developing the relationship between Steve and Dani. I am curious to see what it will take to break down the walls both of them have built up through their experiences in the military. 
The plot itself moved rather quickly, and you just have a minute to catch your breath before something else happens. Because I read the previous entries in the series, I am familiar with the pacing of these novels, but it does make it difficult to put them down.  Dani and her team are following clues that pretty much lead them around the country, but at the same time, are trying to beat someone else who is also searching for the same thing.  There were some twists and turns that caught me off guard or came out of nowhere and it's one of the reasons I enjoy this series so much.  Plus, they are believable twists and turns, not just thrown in because an author thinks they don't have enough red herrings.  
A Killer's Code was fast-paced and there was a solid mix between character and plot development, something that was a bit lacking in previous installments. The various story lines wove together quite nicely, and I liked the fact that everything comes together in the end, even if the end isn't quite what you would expect.  If I had any complains, it was about the clues. Even though I found them clever and interesting, there was still a part of me that was skeptical at how easily the team discovered them and deciphered them. However, the team dynamics and banter is one of the reasons why I keep coming back to these books, and I had a hard time putting this book down. Looking forward to the next one.