Friday, October 11, 2024

Review: The Unfinished by Cheryl Isaacs

by Cheryl Isaacs
Release Date: September 3, 2024
2024 Heartdrum
Ebook ARC; 336 Pages
ISBN: 978-0063287389
Audiobook: B0CSLJKKNZ
Genre: Fiction / YA / Horror
Source: Review copy from publisher

3.5 / 5 Stars

When small-town athlete Avery’s morning run leads her to a strange pond in the middle of the forest, she awakens a horror the townspeople of Crook’s Falls have long forgotten.

Though Avery had heard whispers of monsters from her Kanyen’kehá:ka (Mohawk) relatives, she’s never really connected to her Indigenous culture or understood the stories. But the Elders she has distanced herself from now may have the answers she needs.

When Key, her best friend and longtime crush, is the next to disappear, Avery is faced with a choice: listen to the Kanyen’kehá:ka and save the town but lose her friend forever…or listen to her heart and risk everything to get Key back.
My Thoughts
The Unfinished is an interesting young adult horror story that weaves elements of the author’s indigenous culture with elements of her own imagination, focusing quite a bit on generational pain and one’s identity.  It is full of tension and supernatural lore rather than gore, but I enjoy a good psychological horror as much as the other and I enjoyed the author’s exploration of trauma, regret, friendship, and self-growth.  But while I enjoyed the overall story, the pace was somewhat slow or erratic, and the tension was simply not there.

Avery is the main character and her flaws and her choices drive the story. Full of angst about her future as well as her relationships with her friends and family, she makes some poor choices that affect the rest of the community.  Because of a choice she makes, she awakens an ancient evil and begins seeing things around her. Her behaviour is drive through what she sees, but she offers little explanation to others and the visions simply vanish at some point so I am unsure as to why they were there to begin with.  I did think the interactions with those around her made sense as she was unsure about her future, had pressure on her to get a good scholarship due to her family situation, so her reactions made sense. I did really like her thoughts with regards to her heritage and how disconnected she felt to her people; the growth in this area was very well written and I like the fact the author clearly shows how complicated and difficult the path will continue to be, but she has to make an effort as well.

The overall pacing of the book was somewhat erratic; I really enjoyed the first part of the book as it was a bit creepy and the supernatural aspects were quite fun. But honestly, when the action started picking up towards the middle, there were a couple of things that slowed down the narrative. First of all, Avery’s constant introspection really had no place in these sections of the story as it takes away from the tension. You have these creepy people coming after you, but you have time to reflect on life’s choices at that moment? And second of all, the ragged man and company could have been utilised in a way that made them scarier. Personally, in real life, I would be running as fast and as far as I could, not having a discussion with my friends at that moment.  Make it scary by increasing the tension and the danger. The reader can understand Avery’s growth through her actions as well as her thoughts. There doesn’t need to be an explanation EVERY SINGLE TIME.

The Unfinished definitely had a lot going for it, but I don’t feel it lived up to its promise.  And while it was still enjoyable, I did wish for more suspense and tension as the pacing was slowed down quite a bit through too much inner monologue going on.  Again, I think authors sometimes forget readers can pick up on clues of growth and other things through a character’s actions, we don’t need to read paragraphs of their thoughts as well.  And while I enjoyed the subtle aspect of the pond and what it represented, some of the backstory was glossed over, something I think would have been interesting. I would recommend this book if you like a character who experienced significant growth which included learning more about her indigenous culture.  


Monday, October 7, 2024

Review: Trespass Agaisnt Us by Leon Kemp

by Leon Kemp
Release Date: July 16, 2024
2024 HarperTeen
Ebook ARC; 304 Pages
ISBN: 978-0063324855
Audiobook: B0CLMJKM7G
Genre: Fiction / Horror
Source: Review copy from publisher
3 / 5 Stars
Two years ago, Riley visited the abandoned and allegedly haunted religious reform school Dominic House with his boyfriend, Ethan, and his best friends, Colton and Vee. Ethan never came out. Colton’s leg will never quite heal, Vee is branded as hysterical, and Riley has horrific scars as a reminder of that night.

Now, at eighteen, Riley hasn’t exactly moved on, but he’s kept away from all things paranormal. Until legendary ghost chaser Jordan Jones shows up with an offer: return to Dominic House with her to film an episode of her Spirit Seekers TV show.

Riley may have vowed never to return, but he has unfinished business at Dominic House. With a reluctant Colton and Vee at his side, Riley is determined to find out what happened to Ethan once and for all.
My Thoughts
Trespass Against Us was quite atmospheric and I definitely found it creepy at times. Because the story features three characters who have been traumatized by a past event, the author does make use of flashback episodes in order to compare the present and the past, something I enjoyed as I was able to compare the reactions of the characters from the previous scenario to now and understand a bit of their character development.  Riley, Vee, and Colton nearly died the first time at the haunted house, so understanding how their enthusiasm for exploring haunted houses changed to experiencing major trauma was important to the story line and I do think the author did that very well.

The plot moved along rather quickly and I did find it quite gripping at times.  Having shadows around you and constant whispering would have sent me right out the door so I always admire when characters stick around to discover what is occurring in a setting such as this.

For me, the main issue I had with the story was the character development as I just didn’t connect with any of them and they felt pretty one-dimensional.  There were a few discrepancies within the story line and I couldn’t help rolling my eyes every time Jordan referred to Riley and company as ‘kids’ considering they were 18 years old.  Even if Jordan and her crew don’t believe in ghosts, they could respect the fact that something serious happened to Riley and his friends a couple of years ago and leave the poor jokes at the door. Also, considering someone did not return from the previous stay at the house, why people would want to hide what they saw/heard/experienced is beyond me. If this is just a means to create suspense, I don’t think lack of communication works very well as a trope as it’s pretty annoying.

Trespass Against Us had a nice creepy atmosphere with a dual timeline that I enjoyed. While the pacing was quick, it could be erratic and sometimes skipped over previous things that were mentioned as if the reader would forget they were there, and the character development needed work as I had difficulty empathizing with any of them. That being said, it was still interesting and I would definitely read another book by this author.


Friday, October 4, 2024

Review: The House that Horror Built by Christina Henry

by Christina Henry
Release Date: May 14, 2024
2024 Berkley
Ebook & Audiobook ARC; 317 Pages
ISBN: 978-0593638217
Audiobook: B0CGRYRD4W
Genre: Fiction / Horror
Source: Review copy from publisher
1 / 5 Stars
Harry Adams loves horror movies, so it’s no coincidence that she accepted a job cleaning house for horror-movie director Javier Castillo. His forbidding gray-stone Chicago mansion, Bright Horses, is filled from top to bottom with terrifying props and costumes as well as glittering awards from his career making movies that thrilled audiences—until family tragedy and scandal forced him to vanish from the industry.

Javier values discretion, and Harry always tries to keep the house immaculate, her head down, and her job safe. Then she hears noises from behind a locked door, noises that sound remarkably like a human voice calling for help. Harry knows not asking questions is a vital part of keeping her job, but she soon discovers that the house may be home to secrets she can’t ignore.
My Thoughts
The House that Horror Built was a huge disappointment for me. I wasn’t a fan of the main character as she whined for pretty much the entire book, and that’s in between hearing things that go bump in the night and just carrying on like it’s nothing because, after all is said and done, she is a single mother and nothing is worse than that. Can you hear the sarcasm there? I spent 300 pages listening her whine about being a single mom. It wasn’t being a single mom that was the problem, it was the fact she had a huge chip on her shoulder and as soon as anyone said anything negative about riding buses or doing anything she did with her son, she immediately got defensive and really annoying. 

Harry was the MC and was the most contradictory character in the book. You were witness to her thoughts about everything and everyone, but she constantly judges people which leads her to leap to ignorant conclusions about them and events, waves off things likes things moving in the house as if they are nothing, and bases all of her current problems on her childhood which is also contradictory as her suffering during that time period doesn’t really align with her current behaviours, only being used as an excuse for them. Most of her worries really amounted to nothing so the backstory was kind of useless in this situation.  She thinks of herself as this strong person who makes good decisions for her son, but I definitely did not see her this way at all.

The rest of the characters are kind of lumped into one-dimensional ones that I couldn’t really separate or name after having read the book.

The plot was so slow and nothing really happened for about 80%. I really wish I had DNF the book as it was a waste of my time.  Most of the time was spent with Harry cleaning the house, worrying about money and how she was going to find another apartment, and that was pretty much it.  Yeah, the backstories were thrown in there somewhere, but they didn’t really enhance the plot at all. The last 20% is where all the action happened, but it happened so fast I am not really sure what exactly happened. So, we’ve got nothing, nothing, nothing, plot, ending, done. Where’s the tension, the mystery, the action?

The House that Horror Built just annoyed me to bits. I love haunted houses, I love horror, but I did not love this.  Books don’t have to be gory to scare the crap out of me, and even if there had been some type of mystery included I may have elevated my rating, but there really was nothing I could grasp. The plot and the character development just weren't there. This was a very painful read. And while I do not recommend this book, consider taking a look at some of the other books by this author, such as The Ghost Tree.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Review: Heads Will Roll by Josh Winning

by Josh Winning
Release Date: July 30, 2024
2024 G.P. Putnam's Sons
Ebook ARC: 314 Pages
ISBN: 978-0593544693
Audiobook: B0CMJSH7WZ
Genre: Fiction / Horror
Source: Review copy from publisher

3 / 5 Stars 

After sitcom star Willow tweeted herself into infamy and had to be dragged blind-drunk out of a swimming pool, her agent shipped her off to the woodsy and wonderfully anonymous confines of Camp Castaway. Tucked away in the trees of upstate New York, Castaway is a summer camp for adults in desperate need of leaving behind their mistakes, their social media accounts, their lives. No real names, no phones…no way to call for help. But the peaceful vibe is shattered when a terrifying woman pops shrieking from the wardrobe in Willow’s room. Soon after, one of the campers vanishes. Is Willow about to get cancelled all over again, this time for good? Soon, terror grips the group, campers begin to lose their heads—literally!—and Willow and her new friends are on the run. 
My Thoughts
Heads Will Roll has an intriguing cover page which is what originally drew me to this book. I love reading camp horror, no matter how many tropes are included as they can be campy and fun and remind me of my teen years when my friends and I had sleepovers and watched these things ad nauseam.  And though there was quite a bit of atmosphere in this book and I enjoyed the inclusion of the Knock-Knock Nancy local legend and how it was woven into the story, I don’t think the overall story quite worked.  

Willow is the main character although you get a few chapters from other characters’ POV. While I enjoyed her character and waited to find out what she actually did to deserve being cancelled, I don’t feel like there was much character development as she felt very much one-dimensional.  I did like how she thought some things through before doing them and liked some of the references to previous movies and such as that was fun. Because so much happens in a book such as this one, you don’t really get a chance to know all of the characters before they are…knocked off?

The plot moved along rather quickly, and while I definitely enjoyed the first half of the book for its suspense and intrigue, the second half kind of lost its momentum for me as it became a bit repetitive. Don’t get me wrong as there is plenty of slash and gash, but the pace was affected when the slashing started and this affected the overall tension.  To be honest, I wasn’t sure how I should take the book; was it a serious slasher or was it a campy summer camp slasher making fun of the genre? Either way, the first half of the book was better than the second half even if the terror level was supposed to be higher in the second.

Heads Will Roll was still a fun book and I did enjoy it quite a bit. There were some moments that stood out where I was caught unawares and I thought the overall concept was fun as it seems to have that feeling of summer camp and what it’s like when things go creepily wrong. I did think the both the plot and character development were a bit lacking as the plot seemed to become a bit repetitive in the second half and it lost momentum as it focused more on the slasher element. I also wasn’t a fan of the ending as it felt like things were somewhat unresolved.  Overall though, if you like slasher camp novels, I would give this one a try.